Monday, November 24, 2014

social walk at Wits end mountain resort on Tuesday 25 November

Join our merry band of young at heart walkers for a year end social walk at Wits End starting at 7.00 am followed by tea and treats at the Wits End functions center. All welcome.

Monday, November 17, 2014

spring flower walk in the Okhahlamba World Heritage site

This week the Champagne Valley walking club will be hosted by Bill Carter for a slide presentation on the indigenous flowers of our area followed by a walk to view the many flowers which are now in full bloom after the spring rains. Meet at  High Berg Cottage at 7.00 am. .

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Champagne Valley Walking Club Tuesday 10 November walk.

This Tuesday 10 November we will meet at Thokosiza at 7.00 am from where we will take vehicles to Giant's Castle for a walk up the Tugela river followed by lunch at Giants Castle KZN Wildlife camp. There is a section of Dirt Road so 4 by 4' s or Bakkies required. Let Carol Knowles know if you want to book lunch at the Giant's castle KZN wildlife camp. 082 4946062

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Central Drakensberg supper club at Wits End

Cat Simoni and Paul Spence presented yet another fantastic show at Wits End Mountain Resort on Halloween titled "The Rocky horror halloween show" . Cat's electrifying voice and Paul's intuitive reading of the audience, and audience participation , combined to produce a memorable show to a capacity audience.  Many in the audience dressed to theme.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Halloween Rocky Horror show at Wits End Mountain Resort

Cat Simoni and Paul Paul - Less than 24 hours to go to a fantastic supper theater evening at Wits End- The show is almost fully booked with only 10 seats left so if you want to come don't delay and phone Lynette or Graham on 036 4681133 tomorrow and avoid disappointment.  

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Central Drakensberg supper theater at Wits End Mountain Resort

It,s the final countdown. If you have not already booked for the Cat Simoni and Paul Spence Rocky Horror supper theater show at Wits End functions center on 31 October, don't delay as there are only a few seats left.Cost R250.00 includes the show and a 3 course dinner. The last show was a sell out. Phone Lynette on 036 4681133 to book

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Champagne Valley walking club Tuesday 4 November.

This Tuesday 4 November the Champagne Valley walking club will be visiting the site of the alien space ship landing site at the top of the Little Berg. Local folk law has it that Elizabeth Klaren was abducted in 1947 by aliens and taken to there home planet and later returned in child. Allan Legitt will give us an interesting account of the space ship landing and abduction. The "skid marks" made by the space ship can be clearly seen and the site has a "distinct ring" where no vegetation will grow. Meet at Monks Cowl World heritage site car park at 7.00 am. We will walk to the top of the Little Berg via the Sphinx.    

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Fly Fishing in Central Drakensberg

Deon Brown and his 2 youngsters from Durban had a good time fishing for Natal Yellow Fish in the Wits End dam catching 11 fish over a 2 day period over the week end of 25/26 September 2014. A small breeding group were introduced 8 years ago under supervision of the KZN wildlife authorities and they have been doing very well in the dam. These indigenous fish offer excellent fly fishing opportunities as an alternative to Rainbow Trout and pound for pound offer a much better fight.    

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Champagne Valley walking club Tuesday 30 September walk

This Tuesday 30 September the Champagne Valley walking club will be doing a moderate walk from the car park of Cathkin estates to Ardmore Guest farm and back. We will enjoy tea and scones and hospitality  at Ardmore. Meet at the Cathkin Estates Car park at 8.00 am.  All welcome. Phone Carol Knowles on 036 4681010 or 082 4946062 for details.  

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Champagne Valley walking club Tuesday 23 September walk

This Tuesday 23 September the Champagne Valley walking club will be visiting an early Iron Age site on the banks of the Bushman's River. Meet at Thokozisa at 8.00 am from where we will take cars to Moor Park for an most interesting easy walk followed by tea and a picnic. This week we will be joined by local retired geologist Jens Jacobson who always gives us a most interesting perspective on topics of this nature. All welcome. Phone Carol Knowles on 036 4681010 or 082 4946062 for further details.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Tuesday 16 September walk by Champagne Valley walking club.

This Tuesday 16 September we will be walking in the uKhahlamba world heritage site. The walk to Sterkspruit falls and on to Nandi's falls is a moderate walk of about 3 hours. Phone Carol Knowles for details 036 4681010.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Hikes in the Central Drakensberg 9 September

The Champagne Valley walking club will be visiting the Black Ox shelter on 9 September. This delightful cave, although close to the beaten track is secluded and unless one knows the whereabouts is hard to find. It contains a few Bushman paintings one of an Ox with a black head, possibly a touch up of the original. The cave although threatened by alien wattle  encroachment is in a beautiful setting with a waterfall flowing over the top and a rock pool below. The walk starts at Champagne Castle hotel at 8.00 am and is a moderate walk of about 3 hours. Please note that painted caves may only be visited by an AMAFA  approved guide. All welcome
 Phone Carol Knowles on 082 4946062 for details.    

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Tuesday 2 September walk in the Central Drakensberg.

This Tuesday the Champagne valley walking club will be visiting Barry's grave and the Blue Grotto. John Barry a pioneer mountaineer died in a tragic climbing accident in the early part of the last century and he was buried in a spot with full view of his beloved mountains. Our walk goes to the grave and starting point of the Drakensberg canopy tour and back along the Nkwakwa river via the Blue Grotto to Drakensberg sun hotel. We meet at the Drakensberg Sun Car Park at 8.00 am. Visitors welcome.Phone Carol Knowles for further details. 036 4681010 or 082 4946062

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Central Drakensberg walking club August walking schedule

The Champagne Valley walking club is a group of local hikers who do a walk in the Champagne Valley area each Tuesday. Hikes range from easy 3 hour walks to longer 7 hour hikes and visit various places of interest in the area.Visitors are welcome and will enjoy meeting the locals and the conversation ranging from "No till agriculture" to 'alien" visits with a bit of useful banter in between. Phone Carol Knowles on 036 4681010 or 0824946062
August program.

19 August- Meet at Cedarwood Village at 8.00 am. We will take cars to Cayley Lodge and walk to the painted cave above the Ama Swazi settlement and view the paintings with an AMAFA approved guide and then have morning tea on the rock ledge above.
26 August.- Meet at Champagne Castle hotel at 8.00 am. We will walk past the Henderson's house and on to the top of  Cathkin Estates to visit a small cave for tea and then back again.        

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Central Drakensberg walking club- Tuesday walk

This Tuesday 12 August we will meet at Thokosisa at 8.00 am and take cars to Drakensville for a walk to the plateau above for tea . A moderate 3 hour walk.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

White Butterflies

The White Butterfly Migration

Family:  Pieridae

Average Size:  5cm wingspan

Identification:  Wings are white or yellow, with irregular black or brown borders.

Distribution:  The brown-veined White (Belenois aurota) and Meadow White (Pontia helice) are widespread. The remaining 13 species occurring in the region are restricted to the eastern or north-eastern parts of Southern Africa.

Behaviour: The Brown-veined White sets out on mass summer migrations in a north-easterly direction in southern Africa. Males of most species have a fast flight. Females fly more slowly looking for food plants on which to lay eggs.

Early stages:  Eggs are yellow or red and are laid singly. The caterpillars are variable in colour, most are green, often with yellow stripes; they have stiff hairs along the sides of the body and around the head. The caterpillar moults in five separate growth stages over a period of four weeks. The chrysalis is either brown or green, with a blunt spine at the top and on each side of the chrysalis; attached by the tail end in an upright position. Adults emerge after two weeks

Food:  Commonly plants in the caper family.

Notes:  Spines on the chrysalis mimic spines on the host plant, which provides camouflage.